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Cutters Products (Page 166)

Item No:PWC679159
Description: 3", Stainless Steel, Pocket, Flat Head Bit, Phillip Screwdriver, Corkscrew Colors: Silver ....

Item No:PWC679158
Description: 3", Stainless, Pocket, Flat Head Bit, Phillip Screwdriver, Corkscrew Colors: Stainless Steel Silver ....

Item No:PWC679157
Description: 3", Rosewood, Pocket, Flat Head Bit, Phillip Screwdriver, Corkscrew Colors: Rosewood Brown ....

Item No:PWC679156
Description: Utility Knife, Box Cutter, Tool Colors: Yellow & Black Themes: Carpentry, Co....

Item No:PWC679155
Description: Box Cutter, Utility Knife, Tools Colors: Blue & Black Themes: Camping, Carpe....

Item No:PWC679154
Description: Features: Cuts pins safety and easily. Storage compartment for 4-6 pills. Key Ring. Colors: Blue, Red, W....

Item No:PWC679153
Description: Features:Cuts pills safely and easily, Storage compartment for 6-8 pills, Key Ring. Colors: Blue, White ....

Item No:PWC679150
Description: Features: Can opener. Cork screw. Reamer. Manicure blade. Sturdy reamer, Phillips screwdriver, Hook disgorger. Sealer. Saw. Scisso....

Item No:PWC679149
Description: Features; Knife, scissors. nail file. Phillips and slotted screwdriver. awl saw. scale. corkscrew. can opener and keying. ....

Item No:PWC679148
Description: White we don't advise taking this item on a plane, this key chain is a great way of getting your logo noticed everywhere else. Thi....

Item No:PWC679147
Description: Great item to keep on your key chain for opening packages or cutting strings. Slash through the competition with this promotional ....

Item No:PWC679145
Description: Companies build loyal employees with an outstanding Service Award Program. Exquisite detailed Emblematic jewelry designed to he pr....