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Awards Products (Page 314)

Item No:PWC631964
Description: With hand-applied decoration of swirls of color and contrasting calligraphic lines, each Contrast Bowl is a unique work of art. Th....

Item No:PWC631963
Description: With its voluptuous shapes and vernal colors of lime and dark petrol, Goran Warff's Primavera collection inspires thoughts of comi....

Item No:PWC631944
Description: Beauty personified. These are slender, elegant pieces whose colors achieve a delicate harmony. Colors: T....

Item No:PWC631943
Description: Grand in scale, yet elegant, even gracile in conception. Colors: Orange Themes: ....

Item No:PWC631942
Description: Kjell Engman was inspired to create this popular collection by the twisting wind of tornadoes. Colors: C....

Item No:PWC631940
Description: A dazzling design success in which rounded shapes set off the uniquely expressive decor to perfection. Newcomers this year are vas....

Item No:PWC631917
Description: Jan Johansson is the undisputed master of Orrefors crystal. For his new TORNADO EDGE collection, he borrowed the original shape of....

Item No:PWC631915
Description: A dramatic black gives crystal tone in black a very modern feel. The pattern itself is traditional, the form austerely simple, but....

Item No:PWC631914
Description: A collection of cylindrical vases and low, wide bowls decorated with a graceful pattern of gently rounded cuts. ....

Item No:PWC631913
Description: A collection of cylindrical vases and low, wide bowls decorated with a graceful pattern of gently rounded cuts. ....

Item No:PWC631912
Description: Beautifully rendered olive cuts bring a new, very stylish look to traditionally shaped bowls. Colors: As....

Item No:PWC631911
Description: Beautifully rendered olive cuts bring a new, very stylish look to traditionally shaped bowls. Colors: As....